The following promotional policy measures are formulated to accelerate the development of Nanjing’s emerging industries and realize the “Dual-Doubling Program for Emerging Industries”.
(1) To increase the budgetary input and the size of dedicated funds for guiding the emerging industries. To actively seek the support from the relevant national and provincial dedicated funds. To allocate supporting funds for projects receiving major national and provincial dedicated funds in accordance with the national and provincial requirements.
(2) To support the entry of emerging products into the government procurement catalog. The government investment programs and projects will prioritize cataloged products against equivalent products in their procurement.
(3) To provide award for the first unit (set) of accredited major equipment and key components proprietarily developed and manufactured by enterprises in Nanjing’s emerging industries and used by clients.
(4) For patent development in emerging industries, outstanding projects for re-development and industrialization of major patented technologies will be subsidized in addition to funding under the existing policies. Standard development in emerging industries will be awarded 1.2 times the funds granted under the existing policies.
(5) To support the participation of Nanjing software and information service enterprises in the application demonstration projects, such as “Smart Nanjing” and YOG, and advisory for decision-making of major programs and projects invested by the government.
(6) To vigorously support the application of Nanjing’s metro transit products and technologies in metro line projects. To organize concerned enterprises to participate in the construction of metro transit test lines.
(7) To encourage the participation of Nanjing’s smart grid research institutes and enterprises in the development of smart grid demonstration projects and provide certain project subsidies for enterprises using the products and technologies of smart grid enterprises.
(8) To encourage the implementation of the integrated solar photovoltaic application projects and support applications for national and provincial subsidies. The application of solar power and Ground Source Heat Pump etc in green architecture model projects with two-star and above ratings should be subsidized pursuant to the relevant policies. For the application of new architectural energy conservation and external wall insulation technologies in projects in industry parks and functional blocks approved by the municipal government, the incremental floor area due to the use of new technologies, as a bonus to the plot ratio, will be excluded from the computation of the overall plot ratio and the computation of the plot ratio in the land-transfer contract.
(9) To vigorously promote the application and demonstration of LED, solar LED and OLED lighting products in public facilities and public spaces, such as roads, plazas, scenic areas and communities, and provide appropriate subsidies.
(10) To support and encourage the procurement of the famous pharmaceuticals and medical devices of Nanjing pharmaceutical enterprises by municipal medical institutions. To encourage Nanjing manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices to extend their pharmaceutical logistics and supply chain to municipal hospitals. To award class-I new medicines receiving national accreditation.
(11) To prioritize the application of Nanjing-manufactured full-electric vehicles in additional buses and taxis and provide appropriate subsidies from the municipal budget in addition to the national and provincial subsidies.
(12) To prioritize the allocation of land resources for key projects of emerging industries. To prioritize the application for independent land supply quota and independent site selection for eligible projects.
(13) To support the applications of key enterprises of emerging industries for issuance of corporate bonds and public listing etc.
(14) To plan and develop major public technology platforms and encourage and subsidize the participation of social capitals in the development and operations of public technology platforms of emerging industries.
(15) To grant certain awards for parks named the relevant emerging industry bases (industry parks) by the country and province based on the concentration and development scales of emerging industries in the parks.